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Finding mentors in your industry is always a good idea. They’re able to give you perspective and pour years’ worth of knowledge into you over a short period of time. They will hold your hand and make new situations seem like old hat, so you have more confidence walking through those brand-new open doors. In the pet industry it’s no different. Whether we are pet trainers, sitters, in the veterinary field and so on, some experiences can be overwhelming and intimidating.

But what about when you branch out on your own? That magical moment when you realize you can turn what you love into a thriving career and create your own business? Suddenly you’re facing a world of firsts that you had never even considered. Now you’re responsible for a website, networking, tracking stats all while still trying to be great at what you’re passionate about. I’m not going to lie, it’s a daunting task.

Here at Lord Of The Leash we were blessed enough to have crossed paths with two people who helped give birth to the company we are today. We are forever grateful to these two individuals who helped us bring our dream into reality. Furthermore, these two individuals consistently take time to provide counsel when we aren’t sure about what door we should be passing through.

It’s one thing to do what you love every day but it’s a whole other thing to suddenly be dawning different hats consistently while ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. These two individuals have busy lives, are entrepreneurs who are running their own businesses yet still take the time to be there for us whenever we need counsel or just simply need to vent about our frustrations.

Because they have been so good to us, so supportive and have always been there for us we would like to say thank you to Joe Goldstein of OCS IT and Matt Brozovich of Broz Knows: A Digital Design Agency.

Joe Goldstein: Who he is and what he does

Joe is in the IT industry with one of the more successful cybersecurity companies out there. His company offers a wide range of services to help businesses navigate the difficult and ever-changing world of IT. Not only does Joe run OCS IT but he is also a major player in our SWFL community when it comes to helping new entrepreneurs find their footing during the climb up Mt. Entrepreneurship. And yes, it is really a mountain to climb. He is the head of a few networking groups who band together to help further each other’s passion and create a sense of community considering it can be a very lonely and stressful road to navigate. We are ever so grateful for Joe’s involvement in helping us bring Lord Of The Leash to fruition. He has given us constant support, counseled us on the dos and don’ts in the cybersecurity arena and has been an all-around great friend and asset to us. Joe, thank you for being amazing!


Matt Brozovich: Who he is and what he does

Matt is an artist, a visionary and a creator of dreams. No really, the man has taken numerous ideas and other’s visions and brough them into existence with what appears to be ease. Of course, the task of creating what someone else is envisioning isn’t easy at all, but he makes it seem so effortless. For as many times we have had to pester Matt, he has always responded with kindness and made us feel like we were the only company on earth who needed his help. He is always expedient with our requests and everything he produces is consistently clean, crisp and oozes professionalism. He specializes in SEO optimization, creates websites, creates logos and branding plus produces some of the sharpest business gear to date through Broz Knows. On top of all of that he is also an artist. Like a paint brush to canvas type of artist, not just the digital kind. He is responsible for the creation of our amazing logo and gorgeous website. Matt also provides us with extensive counsel when we are unsure how to captivate our audience or when we should be slowing down with our output of ideas, so we don’t overwhelm ourselves or others. Matt, thank you for being incredible!

The wealth of knowledge and skills these two have brought us are unmatched. Again, we would like to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of the love, support, ideas, and counsel you both have provided and for pushing us to follow our dreams, bringing it to fruition and making it not so scary to do so. We are forever grateful!

Anyone looking for either service they provide should schedule a meeting with them and offer remote meetings and services so no matter where you are, they can help!